
Step-by-step guide for adding a new user or updating an existing user

  1. Navigate to Administration > Persons

  2. Select the ‘Users’ tab and go to the bottom right corner and press ‘Add User’ to add the User permission to a Person.

    Or highlight the User you wish to make changes on and click on View User if they are already in the system as a User.

  3. For adding a new user select the Person you want to add as a new User from the drop down list. The system will then update the username to [firstname.surname]. You can then fill in user preferences. If you do not specify a profile, the default profile of your Tutis will be assigned.

  4. Once you have saved the new User you will have the additional Tabs available to add specific permissions to the user.  The Profiles need to be added in the Set up phase before you will be able to add them to the user. We have the How to on setting up Profiles here. 

  5. The Permissions tab allows you to attach individual permissions to the user. 

  6. The Data Visibility Tab will allow you to assign an organisation and a work area to a User to control the data that is visible to them. The organisations need to be set up in the organisations tab before they can be assigned.

  7. Once you select 'Save' the person will receive an email with a link to where they can set a new password.* Remember a Default email address must be set in their Persons profile first

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