AVETMISS Reporting

Tutis allows you to compile AVETMISS data into a report that you can then forward on to the government as required. The AVETMISS process has been made simple and allows you to fix any data errors easily.


By default, Tutis exports person codes as per the order they were entered into the database. To request Tutis export using the assigned person codes, please contact support.

Step-by-step guide

1.Navigate to Reporting > AVETMISS Exporting

2. In the export details tab, select which version of AVETMISS you would like to use, state you will be uploading to, the training organisation and choose the year you want to export, or the date range by entering the Start Date and End Date. You can also add a purchasing contract by select ‘Add’. Once you have added the report detials click on Export.


3.A copy of the export will be downloaded to your computer. To View the Export click over to the next TAB called AVETMISS Exports.

If your report contains any errors, you will need to fix these then make another export.

Highlight the export and select 'View Problems' To start fixing your errors.

4.The list shows where your errors are situated. You can highlight each and select 'View'.

This will take you to the error and highlight it for you. You can then fix the error.

Some errors may need to be corrected by Tutis. Just contact Support@tutis.com.au with details of what you need corrected.

You must fix each error the system gives, warnings can sometimes be acceptable depending on DETE. Each error and warning are records that tútis has flagged, DETE may still come back with more errors.