FAQ - Training Structure

Q: The course/module/session/topic/attachment/weblink/information/deliveryblock training object I am trying to select/add is not showing up in the list when I try to add it. Why?

A: If you are trying to add in one of these objects to the training structure and there are no objects or the one you are looking for is not showing up, you will need to make sure that you have created one of the objects first in Tutis. To create a course in tutis you must do so through the Training Library which can be assessed through Setup > Training Library.


Q: The qualification/unit I am looking for is not showing up in the list when I try to add one in. Why?

A: You will need to make sure that you have scoped in the qualification/unit in Tutis first before that qualification/unit will be listed. You can do so by in the Qualification Frameworks by going through Setup > Qualification Frameworks.


Q: The document object type does not list the document that I wish to add to the training structure. Why?

A: You will need to make sure that the document has been uploaded in Tutis in the Documents section First. You can do so by going through Administration > Documents.


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