FAQ - Enrolment

1. Some units are missing from the training structure that the student is trying to undertake.

Make sure the units are selected on the offering. If the units aren't on the offering you will need to add them to the training structure of that course.

2. The assessments aren't showing under the Assessments tab.

You need to make sure they are enrolled into these assessments.

3. I can't export my skills assessment to mobile device.

Make sure the assessment is set to be available on the mobile device.

4. The assessor for a assessment has gone on leave. How do I mark their assessments?

If you go to the assessments tab and expand the assessment in question, you can choose to mark the assessment on their behalf.

5. The system won't let me export a certificate and transcript.

Make sure the enrolment is set to be a full qualification and the packaging rules have been met. When you complete the enrolment you will have an option to check "Packaging Rules Met".

6. What is the difference between cancelling an enrolment and archiving it?

 Archiving is only used when you make a mistake. As such it removed the enrolment from all reports and AVETMISS exports. Cancelling is for when the person has undertaken some of the units of a full qualification or course but didn't complete them all and decided to not continue the enrolment. When this occurs the enrolment still shows on AVETMISS and some reports as you might be entitled to funding for the units the person has finished.

7. How do I move a student from one offering into the next?

A student can only be moved between offerings that are based off the same course. If you require to move them into a update qualification or course you will need to cancel their old enrolment and create a new enrolment into the new course with credeit transfers for units already undertaken.

8. I issued a statement of attainment when it should have been a certificate and transcript. How do I cancel the incorrect export?

If you expand the statement of attainment you can highlight and cancel the export. You will have to enter a reason as to why you are cancelling the statement.

9. I cannot result the units of a person but I have the right permissions.

The enrolment itself might have been archived, cancelled or completed. Be sure to "Unlock" the enrolment if you wish to result their units.